
Give a Sick Day–Give a Better Life: Maggie’s Month for the Workplace

In Uncategorized on November 2, 2011 at 10:17 pm

Would you like to share Maggie’s Month with your coworkers, but you’re not sure how? Give a Sick Day–Give a Better Life is a new Maggie’s Month campaign designed for the work place.

It’s a really simple idea. Here’s how it works.

You and your coworkers donate (1) one sick day each, then your employer donates the money to Maggie’s Month. Together you can make a HUGE impact on the success of Maggie’s Month.

Here’s a Give a Sick Day Campaign Flyer that you can print and share with your employer and coworkers.

We’d love to hear how Give a Sick Day–Give a Better Life does at your work!

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